Extraction and characterization of Nano Crystalline Cellulose (NCC) From Sri Lankan agricultural waste
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In this research synthesis and characterization of
cellulose and nano cellulose and process run under several
conditions to obtain parameters which are belongs to
optimizing. Cellulose was extracted from BG 352 rice straw
using de-waxing, delignification, hemicellulose and silica
removal treatment. Extracted cellulose was characterized by
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic techniques (FTIR).
SEM image showed that isolated cellulose fibers with diameter
ranging from 2-8μm and yield of extracted cellulose are
around 21%. Nanocellulose is the material at least one
dimension in the nano meter range. The cellulose contains
some amorphous regions as well as crystalline regions and by
treating some strong acid such as sulfuric to broken up the
cellulose from amorphous region. The resultant product is
nanocellulose. Nano crystalline cellulose can be obtained from
plant matter which comprises nano sized cellulose material.
Nano crystalline cellulose synthesis was followed using cellulose
by acid hydrolysis, quenching, centrifugation, dialysis,
sonication, freeze drying process in this research. So locally
available rice straw is a source to synthesize the nano
crystalline cellulose.
Rice straw, Cellulose, Nano crystalline cellulose