Design & construction of a low-cost furnace for melting non-ferrous alloys in the local foundry industry

dc.contributor.authorTittagala, SR
dc.contributor.authorNavarathna, NPNM
dc.description.abstractA study has been carried out on the types of construction and factors affecting efficiency of metal melting furnaces currently used in the non-ferrous foundry sector with the objective of developing an oil-fired furnace with improved efficiency and reduced constructional and operating costs. The project was initiated by the FDSI (Foundry Development and Services Institute) to meet a requirement of the small and medium-scale foundry industry. For example, there are many manufacturers of ornamental castings of Brass and Aluminum in the country, but they face the problem of the absence of a suitable furnace which could operate easily, efficiently and economically. Following a preliminary survey and assessment of technical data, the main factors which affect performance were identified. Based on this a new design was evolved, the main features of which are that the charge is pre-heated, the flame retained in the furnace for longer duration and the fuel pre-heated and subjected to better atomised spray. The furnace, commissioned at a local foundry, demonstrated a significant improvement in performance over conventional types and acceptance by industry. A key feature was the improvement in overall working conditions and working environment. Based on this experience, a further improved version has been constructed and installed at the Mechanical Engineering Department - University of Moratuwa as a demonstration model for industry.en_US
dc.identifier.departmentDepartment of Mechanical Engineeringen_US
dc.subjectMechanical Engineeringen_US
dc.subjectFoundry Practiceen_US
dc.titleDesign & construction of a low-cost furnace for melting non-ferrous alloys in the local foundry industryen_US
